Friday, October 10, 2008


Those Days
by SD

I miss the days where my youthful feet
Would take me anywhere that I wanted
That even the blazing sun could not stop me
From reaching the vast beyond of the next street

I miss the days where I could go anywhere
With a single crayon on my left hand
And a pad of paper on my right
With those two I can conquer the world

I miss the days that I could go out freely
Without clothes to cover my body
And without the protection of my mother's care
I can buy candies wearing only underwears

I miss the days where you would just wait
Waiting for the day to end
Not a care in the world
Not a problem to burden

If only those days can be caught
Like a firefly or a beetle
That can be stored in a jar
Then that would be the most fantastic of all things

If every clock would be made
Without any batteries to run them
I would stare at everything
And they'd still be what they were before

If only time would not have hands
Or feet to run with
Then those days will surely be
The most wonderful days of all